For SATB a cappella with divisi.

Composition: Adoramus Te
Ensemble: Various UW-Eau Claire Students
Director: Zachary J. Moore
Sheet Music
Available for SATB a cappella with divisi. Purchase through the composer.
Te Deum/Adoramus Te
We praise and thank you.
We adore Thee, most holy Lord Jesus Christ, here and in all Thy churches that are in the whole world, and we bless Thee; because by Thy Holy Cross Thou hast redeemed the World.
Composer Notes:
All throughout my life I have worked hard to get where I am going, and I don’t just mean in composition. When I say this, I mean my acceptance to the college of UW – Eau Claire. In high school I knew that was the place I wanted to end up. Little did I know how many opportunities awaited for me there. In my first year I began to arrange for a cappella groups on and off campus, I was voted into a few leadership roles for various student organizations and, to top it all off, I was offered the job of Choral Assistant to the chair of our choral department, Dr. Gary R. Schwartzhoff.
A vivid memory that I have from my college freshman year is while walking down the giant hill on campus, on my way to a rehearsal of this composition, I was reflecting upon my entire year and the blessing I had been given. Just thinking about how far I had come in just one year was absolutely amazing to me. My original intent for this song was for it to be a thank you, from me to God, for all the blessings that He has provided me thus far in my life.
I think it is truly important for anyone to, occasionally, step back and appreciate all the positive aspects in their life. It can be really easy to focus upon what is wrong and hard to see what is right, but start with small every day things that you would not even think about, such as the breath of air you are taking right now and your existence in general. Think of all the opportunities that you have had and those that are yet to come, because you are alive. Life is too short to focus upon negatives. So give thanks and rejoice in all your blessings.
-Zachary J. Moore